We all know an intelligent person when we meet one they're sharp, creative, and knowledgeable they can easily talk about any subject and seem to be overflowing with interesting ideas without even trying, they earn the respect and administration of others because, at some level, intelligence is something we all want for ourselves.After all, intelligence makes our lives easier, more exciting, and more successful more intelligent people tend to excel in school and in their careers they achieve more personal goals and take greater satisfaction in their work they also have an easier time building relationships studies show that more more intelligent people earn more respect and make better impressions on others.
They're even perceived as more confident, capable, and attractive no wonder everyone wants to be smart while intelligence has far-reaching benefits for our lives, many people never take the time to grow their intelligence or expand their abilities to some people, intelligence is something you have or something you don't it seems like people are either smart or dumb, fast or slow, strong or weak but none of these things are set in stone.
The truth is that intelligence is far more complex than many people realize there are all different kinds of intelligence, just like there are different kinds of people not only is intelligence diverse, but it can also change tremendously throughout our lives it fluctuates with age and experience it's influenced by our jobs, relationships, and life choices some people actually lose intelligence over time, while others become sharper and wiser every day.
Here's what you need to know the brain is like a muscle, and the more you exercise it, the stronger it will get often, the most brilliant people are those individuals who try to get smarter everyday they don't assume they know or understand everything in fact, many of them don't even realize how smart they really are so, if you want to boost your intelligence, make choices that consistently enable your intellectual growth the most intelligent people activate their minds on a regular basis with these eleven daily habits, you can not only expand your mind but also change the way you think.
Video games get a bad rap many people criticize them as mind-numbing distractions but the research tells a different story despite popular myths, video games can have a positive impact on the human brain in fact, the right games may even increase your IQ many games challenge us to think several steps ahead to play the game correctly, we must stay aware of our surroundings and remember vast amounts of information simultaneously.Regular players tend to exhibit better memory recall, more advanced strategic thinking, and greater spatial reasoning in other words, a few rounds of challenging video game can leave your mind in peak condition.
Increasing your intelligence isn't as complicated as many people think studies show that you can increase your IQ by doing almost nothing the trick to clear your mind and focus on little more than your breath this practice is known as meditation, and its one of the most well-studied habits to increase your intelligence, moments of quiet concentration can enhance your memory, attention, and creativity all it takes is ten minutes of daily meditation to focus your mind and grow your vision.3. THE GREEN EFFECT
Few things are more stimulating to the human brain than the natural world green spaces, full of vegetation and natural beauty, have a profound impact on our cognitive functions for example, walking through a park can make our brains more receptive to new information a hike up a mountainside may inspire new connections or enable more complex thought even if you're just lying in the grass, exposing your mind to nature may give your IQ a surprising boost.4. TIME-RESTRICTED FASTING
Most people eat three meals a day one in the morning, one around noon, and one in the evening but recent studies show that changing your eating routine may significantly impact your intellectual abilities instead of eating three meals throughout the day, these studies investigated the effect of time-restricted fasting participants were asked to elternate between periods of fasting for 16 hours and non-fasting for 8 hours.Researchers were surprised to find that this new eating schedule had a tremendous impact on participants brain health and development not only does fasting promote new connections between neurons, but it may also improve cognitive functions like learning and memory if you want to increase your intelligence, fasting could give you the boost you're looking for it's never a good thing to starve your brain, but changing your eating routine can give your mind a boost.
Do you ever talk to yourself when no one is around? Talking to yourself, also known as "self explaining," is a common sign of an active mind people who talk to themselves tend to solve more complex problems by making sense of their thoughts out loud not only is this a sign of intelligence, but self-explaining can actually make you smarter it's shown to increase performance while enabling a deeper understanding of complex material the next time you're working on something challenging, talk to yourself as your work, and you might feel more capable than ever.6. THE UNSEEN BENEFITS OF HYDRATION
How much water do you drink everyday? Drinking more water has many physical and psychological benefits, but few people realize how hydration influences your intelligence in a 2019 study, researchers studied whether hydration positively impacts cognitive performance it turns out that participants who drank at least 1.5 liters of water scored higher on tests, made fower errors, and even demonstrated more self-esteem it's hard to argue that hydration directly increases IQ, but it can make you faster, sharper, and more receptive to information make sure you're hydrated everyday, so your brain can learn and perform at it's best.7. THE BRAIN FEED
For anyone hoping to get smarter, the media is a double-edged sword the wrong kinds of media can sap our attention and shorten our attention spans but the right kinds of media can enhance our brains like never before so, how should we use media to multiply our intellectual abilities? Turn your devices into a never-ending stream of inspiration and ideas use your phone and computer to feed your brain new words, facts, and concepts fill your social media with links to interesting discoveries or motivational quotes build your digital life around learning, and you'll get smarter without even trying.8. AEROBIC ACCELERATION
When was the last time you went for a jog? Aerobic exercises, like jogging or sprinting, are great ways to improve your physical fitness but they're also an exceptional way to challenge and stimulate you brain studies show that running a few sprints provides as much mental exercise as solving a puzzle it may not seem like a brain game, but aerobics can make you more intelligent than you realize how?.By challenging different parts of the brain every time you run, your brain has to manage all kinds of diverse process it has to move your legs, maintain your balance, and control your body temperature it moderates your breath and heart rate while maximizing performance in your muscles those are just a few things your brain does every time you run, jog, or even walk spend fifteen minutes per day improving your cardio, and you'll be surprised how much sharper you feel.
Creativity is one of humanity's greatest gifts we have the unique ability to express complex ideas through stories and metaphors, but many people never exercise these valuable skills to grow your intelligence, start using your creative brainin other words, find a creative outlet that allows you to express your emotions and activate your imagination activities like writing and painting can also inspire innovative connections, changing how you understand yourself or the world around you even if you're not much of an artist,a little creativity activates your brain in a whole new way.10. HACK YOUR READING HABITS
We've all heard about the benefits of reading, yet many of us struggle to incorporate reading into our daily routines let's look at one of the most common reasons people don't read too many people open their books, read a few pages, then put them down, swearing to read again sometime soon of course, that time never comes they procrastinate, lose interest, and eventually forget everything.They read instead, of falling into this cycle, try diving into the deep end when you first open a book, read as many pages as possible aim fir 40 or 50 if possible that way, you're interested and invested in the material, making you more likely to read again use this simple trick to hack your reading habits, and you'll be surprised how much more motivated you'll feel.