Hallow, everyone and welcome to dhiirigeliye today we are going to learn about 20 ways to improve productivity how to succes the obstacles of the life.1. TIME MAKERS
On january 1st people around the world make resolutions fir the new year it's a time to set and acheive goals that you've been procrastinating but why do people wait so long to actualize their goals new year's even is a time maker an imagunary boundary that divides one year from the next when you transition into a new year.
you envision the changes you want to make and that vision motivates you set new goals you might say it's a new year and a new me but new year's even isn't the only time to create resolutions there are hundreds of markers though out the year like the first day of the month or the hour of the day you can use each of these markers to motivate changes so don't wait choose the next marker in your life set a brand new resolution and achieve a lifelong goal.
What is your greatest hurdle for any unproductive person their greatest hurdle is the illusion of impossibility when facing a large obstacle that obstacle may feel impissibleto overcome you're scared you're intimidated and you don't know what to do first so, where do you go from here imagine you're staring at real physical object like a massive brick wall you're stuck on one side but something you want is stuck on the other.
how do you climb over such an extraordinary obstacle well you can't tackle the obstacle all at once that approach will get you nowhere instead you have to build a set of stairs and you have to climb those stairs one step at a time and when you start small and slowly climb your way to the top you can overcome any obstacle no matter hiw impossible it seems.
How many hours a day do you spend staring at a screen technology makes your life easier but it does waste tremendoes amounts of your time to improve your productivity set a side time every day to work think and dream without staring at a screen put your phone in your desk drawer shut down your computer and live technology free.
this helpful trick will lesson the number of distractions in your life when you're trying to get work done a phone call or a text message can ruin your concentration now this trick also empowers you to do something unique when you put your devices away you think you solve problems and you find inspiration all on your own that freedom for any productive person is invaluable.
The most productive people don't always work long hours many people think time and productivity have a one-to-one ration but your time isn't always well spent even if you are working your brain fatigues over time if you work too long the quality speed and ingenuity of your work suffers.
so give your brain the chance to rest and recover take frequent breaks and step away from your screen once your brain is rested and recharged you can make the most of your time.
You're feeling tired and foggy so you decide to take a break from your work that's a step in the right direction but what do you do with your downtime you sit at your desk you open your computer and you browse the internet are you really giving your brain the downtime.
it deserves many people don't reap the rewatds of their downtime becouse they use their brakes inefficiently to make the most of your breaks step outside of your work environment a change in scenery gives your brain a breath of fresh air and the fog in your head will clear the cogs in you brain will start to turn and by the end of your break you'll feel motivated to keep working.
Set goals of all shapes and sizes set daily goals monthly goals and yearly goals but above all create for your self a handful of lifetime goals when you're feeling lazy or unproductive think about your lifetime goals think about what you want 5, 10 or 20 years from now your answers may change over the years but even the roughest goals can give your life a sense of direction .
Some tasks are immensely valuable you pour your heart and soul into these jobs and you get invaluable experiance in return but not all jobs are worth doing before you do any job ask yourself why do i want to do this job if it's valuable to you it's always worth doing but if it's not save yourself some energy and brain power.
Many people set abstract unclear goals you might say i want to be a novelist but do you know what it takes to achieve that goal to stimulate your productivity don't think in terms of lofty unclear dreams think in terms of action-oriented steps instead of saying i want to be a novelist you might say i want to write 100 pages make every goal and active statement that pushes you closer to your lifelong ambition.
Your brain has a natural rhythm it sleeps and wakes up at certain times just as it works and rests at certain times capitalize on your personal rhythm work hard when your brain is functioning at its best and if you're an early bird do you work first thing in the morning if you're a night owl do challenging tasks later in the evening just think about your highs and lows and then use them to your advantages.
Stress isn't always negative a little pressure can push you toward greater hieghts but with the wrong mindset even the smallest bit of stress can weight you down so if you're feeling stressed take a minute to reframe the stressin your life if it's not a burden driving you into the ground then it's a motivator pushing your forward.